Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lovin' Field!!
Today I had the opportunity to take over in the classroom for a few hours while my cooperating teacher attended a district meeting. I worked with the kids from 8 until 12 and had so much fun!! The substitute was kind enough to just sit in the classroom while I taught; even though I know it was hard for her and she was getting tired from sitting for so long.
Mrs. Johnson is an incredible teacher and I am learning so much from her! She has set up a literacy program in her classroom that is working miracles. Students who had started the year without even the simplest letter sound recognition are making great progress and are reading levels ahead of where they started. There are a few students in the class that have learning disabilities or disorders. One particular little boy is making so much progress! I even teared up yesterday after he made a spectacular breakthrough in his reading. (What a stinkin' cutie!) These kids are amazing! I could go on and on about the awesome things these kids are doing and how darling and sweet they are. I am already so attached to them and I'm so glad I get to come back in January.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes my students have breakthrough's too and it is exciting. Mostly, I get to share in their successes and hope I had something to do with it.

    I'm glad you have such an awesome placement for your student teaching.
